
Sunday, 10 May 2015

Basic Transaction codes of MM

Tcode Description
MM01 Create Material Code
MM02 Edit Material code
MM03 Display Material code
MM04 Display changes
MM06 Flag material for deletion
MM17 Mass Maintenance
ME01 Create Source list
ME02 Change Source list
ME03 Display Source list
ME11 Create Info Record
ME12 Change Info Record

Display Info Record
ME31 Create Outline Agreement
ME32 Change outline Agreement
ME33 Display outline Agreement
ME41 Create RFQ
ME42 Edit RFQ
ME43 Display RFQ
ME47 Maintain RFQ
ME51n Create Purchase Requisition
ME52n Edit Purchase Requisition
ME53n Display Purchase Requisition
ME54n Release Purchase Requisition
ME55 Collective release of Purchase Requisition
ME21n Create Purchase Order
ME22n Edit Purcgase Order
ME23n Display Purchase Order
ME29n Release Purchase Order
ME28 Collective Release of Purchase Order
ML81n Create/Display/Change Service Entry Sheet
VL31n Create Inbound delivery
FV11 Create condition record
FV12 Change condition record
FV13 Display condition record
MIGO Goods Recipt/Display/Cancel/Return delivery
MIRO Enter incomming invoice
MR8M Cancel Incomming Invoice
J1ID Excise Maintenance
J1IEX Post /Capture/Change/Display Excise document
J2I5 Excise Register Extract
J2I6 Print Excise Register
J1IH Excise JV
J1IS Excise Invoice other movement
J1IV Excise Invoice Release to accounting
XK01 Create Vendor Master
XK02 Edit Vendor Master
XK03 Display Vendor Master
XK05 Block/Unblock Vendor
XK06 Flag for deletion Vendor
MKVZ List of Vendors
MB1A Enter Goods Issue
MB1B Enter Transfer Posting
MB1C Other Goods receipt
MI01 Create Physical Document
MI04 Enter the Inventory count
MI07 Post the inventory difference
J1IF01 Create SubContracting Challan
J1IF11 Change SC Challan
J1IF12 Display Subcontracting Challan
J1IF13 Complete/Reversal/Recredit SC Challan
ME5A List display of Purchase Requisition
ME2L Purchase Document per Vendor
ME2N Purchase Document per document number
ME2M Purchase Document per material
ME9F Message Output for Purchase Order
MM60 List of Material
MB90 Output for Material Document
MB03 Display Material document
MB02 Change Material Document
MC.9 Material Analysis : Stock
MC.A Material Analysis : Recipt/Issue
MC.1 Plant Analysis : Stock
MR51 Accounting documet for Material
MB51 Material documet for Material
MB52 Display warehouse stock of Material
MB5B Stock on Posting Date
MMBE Stock Overview
S_P00_07000139 Stock Ledger

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