
Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Release Procedure for Purchase Requisition

In SAP we have two types of release procedures:
Release Procedure without classification - In this method PR can be released item by item only.

Release Procedure with classification - This procedure is applicable to PR, PO, Service entry sheet, RFQ and scheduling agreement and in this method these documents can be released at Header level.
So from the above types we can say that PR can be released at Item and Header level but the external documents can be released only at Header level.

Please have a look at the release procedure steps:

Step 1:

Create Characteristics

In this step we need to create characteristics - conditions to be satisfied for triggering Release strategy.For example client has asked to set release strategy based on 2 inputs.Combination of Plant and value.

1) Total value of PR

create characteristic as "Release_PR_total_value" in transaction code CT04.

Tab - Basic data " Data type --- CURR currency format", "Decimal places - eg. 2 " and "currency eg. INR or USD"

Tab -values - Define all the value combination i.e. <50000 INR, 50000-100000 INR and > 100000

Tab - Additional Data- Table Name "CEBAN" and Field Name "GSWRT"

Tab - Restrictions - class type - 032 - Release strategy

2) Plant

Create characteristic "Release_PR_plant" in transaction code CT04.

Tab - Basic data - Data type - CHAR; Number of chars - 4

Tab - Values - Key in all the plants for which you are required to configure release procedure eg. 1000,2000,3000

Tab - Additional data - Table name CEBAN and Field Name is WERKS.

Step 2:

Define class in transaction code CL02

Menu path SPRO>Materials Mgmt>Purchasing>Purchase Requisition>Release Procedure>Procedure with Classification>Edit classes

Here we assign all the above created Characteristics to a CLASS so that a release strategy to be triggered when all the conditions are met.

Create a new class with free choice of names as "PR_Release" in transaction code CL02.*Key in the class name and select class type as 032 - RELEASE STRATEGY then click on symbol create to enter all the details as mentioned below.

Tab - Basic data - Enter description as "PR_Release",

status- Released, Same classification - check the push button - Warning Message

Tab- CHAR Enter above created 2 characteristics



Step 3:

Menu path is

SPRO>Materials Mgmt>Purchasing>Purchase Requisition>Release Procedure>Procedure with Classification>set up procedure with classification>

here define

1.Release Groups

Release group 01 is used for Purchase requisitions and 02 for Purchase orders.

Here assign class "PR_Release" against release code "01"

check "OvRelPReq" indicator for over all release (All line items) i.e. at header level of document in one shot else it will be released line item wise.

2.Release codes

Release codes are assigned to Release groups i.e.

Type of user - Level - Release code

PR creator - clerk or Business user -

Approver - HOD - L1

Approver - Commercial Head - L2

Approver - Plant Head - L3

Release codes L1 to L5 are assigned to corresponding users. Manager R4 can only approve the PR if prior approvals till R3 are completed else not in ideal situation.

3. Release Indicator:

Release indicators show the release status of a Purchase Requisition.

4.Release Pre requisites:

These define the order in which individuals or departments release the PR in sequence.

3.Release strategies

Create a new release strategy eg ."K1" , write its description PR release strategy 1. Now go to detail button and select release codes according to chart of Authority set by client.

Release strategy " K1 - PR release for value < 50000

HOD - L1

Now click on" Release Prerequisites "push button and check all the boxes in ascending order.Save the document

click on "Release statuses" push button, check release statuses then click on "Continue" push button.

In third push button you can maintain CLASSIFICATION data or later you can directly maintain in transaction code CL20N for this strategy.

Classification data for example

1. Value - < 50000
2. Plant - 1000,2000,3000 etc

By clicking on "Release Simulation" push button you can check whether release is getting affected for configured release codes or not.

In this way you can configure all the required Release strategies.

Tcode - ME54N - For Individual Release
Tcode - ME55 - For Collective Release
Tcode - ME5A - List of PR


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