
Thursday, 7 May 2015

Physical Document


This component allows you to carry out a physical inventory of your company’s warehouse stocks for balance sheet purposes. Various procedures can be implemented for this.

Scope of function:

In the SAP system, a physical inventory can be carried out both for a company’s own stock and for special stocks. Inventory for a company’s stock and for special stocks (such as consignment stock at customer, external consignment stock from vendor, or returnable packaging) must be taken separately (in different physical inventory documents), however.

Note that the blocked stock returns and the stock in transfer cannot be inventoried. If these stocks are still to be counted in a physical inventory, you must transfer post these stocks to other stocks capable of inclusion in a physical inventory.

The stock in a warehouse can be divided into stock types. In the standard system, a physical inventory can be carried out for the following stock types:

· Unrestricted-use stock in the warehouse

· Quality inspection stock

· Blocked stock

If batch status management is active, the first stock type covers both unrestricted-use stock and restricted-use stock.

Inventory of all stock types mentioned can be taken in a single transaction. For the materials to be inventoried, one item is created in the physical inventory document for every stock type.

Physical inventory takes place at storage location level. A separate physical inventory document is created for every storage location.

If a material does not exist in a storage location, this means that no goods movement has ever taken place for the material in the storage location. The material, therefore, has never had any stock in this storage location. The material does not exist at stock management level in the storage location. It is therefore not possible to carry out a physical inventory for the material in this storage location.

This is not to be confused with a material for which a goods movement has taken place and for which the stock balance is currently zero. A physical inventory must be carried out in this case, since storage location data is not deleted when the stock balance is zero.

Working Procedure:

Step 1:
Create the PID document and add all the materials which needs to count for difference posting.
By using tcode MI01, we can create PID document. At this screen we will the document date, Planned count date, Plant, Storage location, special stock (If applicable).

As well as tick on Posting Block - Indicates that no goos movement involving the materials listed in the physical inventory document can be posted for the duration of a physical Inventory.

Freeze book inventory: Specify that the book inventory balances of those items in a physical inventory document that have not yet been counted are frozen.

Batched with deletion flag: Include the batches which are deleted.

On the next screen, enter all the materials and if batch management applicable then batches also.
Save it now.

Step 2:

Now enter the inventory count in tcode MI04. In the selection screen enter the PID document which you have created in step 1.

In the next screen you will see all the material which you have entered in PID document in step 1.

Now enter all the quantity (Physical inventory) and if you have tick the ZC it means Zero count and it indicates that the count is Zero for this material.
In the same way we will enter all the actual physical count for all the materials and save it.

Step 3: In this step we will post the difference which we have entered in step 2.

e.g. in SAP stock is 325 Kg but in physical count we have taken only 322 Kg. Then the difference of 3 Kg will be posted and FI document will be generated.

By using MI07, we will post the difference. In this tcode we can see the difference quantity and amount which will be posted in FI books.

By mentioning the reason of this difference we can same the document, but to define the reason we need to configure the reason with movement type (IMG Activity).

For the PID we have movement type 701, 702, 703 up to 708.

After the posting the following FI entry will be created.

Cr Stock A/c 292.85
Dr Stk Phys. Count Diff 292.85

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